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Assisted rehabilitation

Before having surgery, you should consider assisted rehabilitation to help you return to life back at home. It’s important to note that payments for assisted rehabilitation services are your own financial responsibility. Rehabilitation hospital stay involves a number of different fees and charges. You need to check the fees and charges in advance and find out which ones are covered by your private health insurance policy.

In considering assisted rehabilitation, the following choices are available:

  • clinic located in the hospital (in- and out-patient)

  • rehabilitation hospital (in- and out-patient)

  • services in your home

  • services elsewhere (e.g. private physiotherapy practice).

Boyle Orthopaedics refers patients to a number of rehabilitation hospitals in Sydney including:

Feel free to discuss rehabilitation options with Dr Boyle. If you plan to use a rehabilitation hospital, you should visit the facility, if possible, and book your admission or out-patient service before your knee surgery.


Exercise and physiotherapy

Physiotherapy and strengthening exercises following joint surgery are important for recovery and regaining mobility. At the hospital, a physiotherapist will help you with exercises and give you a program to continue at home. Check with your physiotherapist whether it’s advisable to attend further rehabilitation classes or sessions.  


Minimising complications from surgery

Wound care and avoiding infection

Dr Boyle uses absorbable stitches which dissolve and do not need removal.

Your knee joint can become infected at any time after surgery. To avoid infection:

  • keep the wound as dry as possible until it has healed

  • watch for signs of infection, including increased pain, redness, swelling or warmth around the knee, and seek medical help immediately if you’re concerned

  • see your GP for any suspected urinary tract infection

  • take antibiotics before dental work or any medical procedure

  • you can apply Vitamin E or other moisturising cream once the wound has healed.


Avoiding knee injury

At home, you should continue your rehabilitation program and gradually return to normal activities. In the months following surgery, take special care.

Avoid falls through careful arrangement and navigation of your home and environment using aids as required.

Avoid certain body positions and movements including:

  • crossing your legs

  • kneeling

  • twisting your body and turning your feet inward or outward

  • squatting, reaching or stretching too far.


Resuming your normal activities

There are no precise times for resuming normal activities. The most important thing is to avoid placing stress on your new joint(s). Here are some general guidelines:

Self care Follow the occupational therapist’s advice on washing, bathing and dressing. Don’t attempt to get in and out of a bath for 6-12 weeks.

Sleeping positions You can sleep in any position that feels comfortable for you.

Sexual activity You can resume sexual activity as soon as you feel ready.

Driving In general, people are able to resume driving around 6 weeks after surgery. It's advisable to get the okay from your doctor before you resume driving.

Return to work You need to discuss your return to work with your employer. The timing is dependent on your work and working environment.

Air travel In general, you can travel by air:

  • after 2 weeks, if the flight is less than 4 hours

  • after 6 weeks, if the flight is more than 4 hours.
    Check with Dr Boyle about any specific recommendations for your air travel.

Sport and exercise There are no precise times for resuming sport and exercise. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Hydrotherapy is an excellent activity after knee surgery. You can start hydrotherapy about 7 days after surgery, with a waterproof dressing.

  • Lower impact activities, such as walking, swimming, cycling, golf and bowling may be resumed once you feel ready, usually about 2-3 months after surgery.

  • Higher impact activities, such as running, basketball, football, squash risk early wear and tear on knee joints and also problems such as muscle tears and fractures. You should check with a specialist before resuming these activities.

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